Office of the Chief Inspector General
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 Inspector General Lookup - Palm Beach County School District Office of Inspector General
   Michael, Teresa
 (Inspector General)
   Arjoon, Kewal
 (Auditor I)
   Bliss, Robert
 (Officer-Compliance & Quality Assurance)
   Daniels, Christina
 (Intake Coordinator)
   Edison, Joyce
 (Executive Administrative Assistant)
   Feaman, Angela
 (Investigator II)
   High, Cary
 (Counsel to the Inspector General)
   Law, Randy
 (Audit Director)
   Lawson, Tanya
 (Investigator II)
   Ng, Lee
 (Audit Supervisor)
   Ortiz, Andres
 (Auditor II)
   Restrepo, Oscar
 (Director of Investigations)
   Reynolds, Barbara
 (Senior Auditor II)
   Santana, Ana
 (Auditor II)
   Sheppard, Robert
 (Senior Investigator I)
   Smith, Aida
 (Senior Auditor)
   Sosa, Alex
 (Auditor I)
   Tara, Stephanie
 (Auditor I)
   Tracey, Shearer
 (Investigative Analyst/Intake Coordinator)
   Vallecillo, Veronica
 (Senior Investigator II)

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